Ignite Your Spark With Fidel Forde

Yoga + Paint + Wine

Rejuvenation and Empowerment Workshop

It's okay to 


Kitsap Tennis & Athletic Center Bremerton, WA








RESERVE YOUR SEAT for $97 $125

What if you could capture the very essence of who you are and express it through the way you move, what you feel and the very air you breath?

Your living art and expression would inspire the world

Life is messy, but now is the time to  turn that mess and the stress into something extraordinary!

Have you ever felt like you have to keep it together because if you don't everything will fall apart or create more issues than you can handle? 

Are you starting to feel stuck in the day to day routine and could use more play, inspiration and excitement?

Is your body craving movement and self expression. You can feel it in your bones that there is more inside of you, but you just haven't been able to let it out?

Welcome to a night filled with fun, creativity, inspiration where you finally get to let down your hair (or rock your ponytail), take a deep breath and let it be messy.


"I've heard amazing things about Fidel, but it wasn't until today that I got to experience his craft! I feel so relaxed and as if the last year just melted away. I'm feeling rejuvenated and didn't realize just how much tension I was holding onto until it was gone!"

Kayla Senf


But what makes this event so amazing that you'll


  • Create a one-of-a-kind artwork experience through an array of yoga poses, with the intention to uncover new ways to move, feel, and express yourself with more personal power. 
  • You'll gain the tools to get out of your head, renew your mind and connect with your body so when life gets crazy you will already have the tools necessary to channel that craziness into a beautiful masterpiece. 
  • Play, play, and play because it's the perfect way to restore you to balance from the day-to-day busy routine of taking care of work and everyone else
  • Tap into and reconnect with your most creative, free expressive self so that you get the big ideas and the motivation to make it happen

***Space is limited, register today ***

What To Expect

When you arrive you will be given your very own canvas, your let it be messy welcome and art kit. We'll have a casual meet and greet session with wine, treats and snacks.

You'll receive hands on yoga and art instruction so that you can really hone in on your craft. We'll dance, yoga, drink wine and have an experience you'll never forget!

There will be a photographer to capture you in your element so not only will you be able to take your artwork home, but you'll receive photos to do as you you wish.

Basically, after a busy week you'll have the entire evening (3 full hours) to unwind, rejuvenate your mind, body and nourish your soul.

There are no emails, to do lists, laundry to fold, or anyone to cleanup after.

Tickets are limited, register today!

Get the Early Registration for $97 (tickets normally $125)

"Sometimes messy is the necessary beginning to the makings of extraordinary.”

~Michele Cushatt

Hi, I'm Fidel Forde

I'm so excited to bring you this workshop.

As an Empowerment and Self Care Coach, Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist, and Motivational Speaker, I love creating unique experiences that empower others to get in-touch with their spark. Are you ready to feel it, embrace it, and live your masterpiece.


"During the yoga, wine and paint night I experienced a freedom and peace from the stresses of my job. It was a fun and creative way to let go. The 3.5 hr drive worth it just to reconnect with Fidel."

C. King

"Not only did this workshop provide an opportunity to deepen bonds with friends, it also served as an outlet for stress through creativity. It was a great time! How could it not be with the contagious joy and energy that comes with Fidel's smile and style!"

Elaina White

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